Books & Other

The Birder's Guide to Africa by Michael Mills, with photographs by Tasso Leventis, presents the first comprehensive and detailed summary of bird watching in the African region, covering all mainland territories and associated islands. It gives an overview of the birding in the region in the introduction, highlighting key destinations for different kinds of travellers. This is followed by country accounts for all 68 territories that comprise the region, in which details on travel and birding are provided for each territory, including a comprehensive list of important bird taxa to be targeted on a visit. In the family accounts, 142 bird families are recorded from the region, described briefly, and illustrated with spectacular photographs. Finally, the species accounts for all 2,792 bird species detail information on ease of seeing, distribution, status, habitat, subspecies, taxonomic issues and best places to see.

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The Special Birds of Angola by Michael Mills, translated by Martim Melo, is the first field guide dedicated to Angolan birds. It presents general information and photographs of more than 70 of Angola's most special birds, including all endemics and near-endemics. Distinct subspecies that may deserve specific status are also dealt with. English and Portuguese text are placed in adjacent columns, to serve both Angolan and international birdwatchers, students of ornithology and ornithologists. Besides the species accounts, other sections include general information on Angolan geography, climate, habitats, conservation issues and ornithological history, a section on top birding sites, and a complete annotated list of all endemic and near-endemic bird taxa.

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Vocalisations of Angola Birds by Michael Mills is the first published CD of Angolan bird calls. More than 100 species are covered, including many Angolan endemics and specials: Grey-striped Francolin, Red-crested Turaco, Red-backed Mousebird, Pale-olive Greenbul, Gabela Akalat, Angola Cave Chat, Bubbling Cisticola, Hartert's Camaroptera, White-fronted Wattle-eye, Pulitzer's Longbill, Ludwig'd Double-collared Sunbird, Gabela Helmetshrike and Gabela Bushshrike.


The Checklist of the Birds of Angola by Michael Mills and Martim Melo


Journal articles and book chapters

Mills MSL (2024) First documented record of Cuckoo-finch Anomalospiza imberbis for Gabon. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 31: 103–103.

Mills MSL, Ferreira R and Vaz Pinto P (2024) Twenty-three new bird species for Angola from Maiombe National Park, Cabinda, and other noteworthy records. Ostrich  95: 87–94.

Mills MSL and Melo M (2023) Birds of Highlands and Escarpments of Angola and Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 8: 293–309.

Mills MSL (2023) First observation of Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird Pogoniulus chrysoconus for Gabon. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 30: 224–224.

Mills MSL (2023) First record of White Wagtail Motacilla alba for Madagascar. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 30: 226–226.

Powell LL, Vaz Pinto P, Mills MSL, Baptista NL, Costa K, Dijkstra DB, Gomes AL, Guedes P, Júlio T, Monadjem A, Palmeirim AF, Russo V and Melo M (2023) The last Afromontane forests in Angola are threatened by fires. Nature Ecology and Evolution 7: 28–629.

Mills MSL and Dean WRJ (2021) The avifauna of Mount Moco, Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 28: 177–196.

Mills MSL, Francis J, Borrow N, Redman N, Wachira W and Cohen C (2021) English bird names in common use: a framework to achieve. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 28: 93–98.

Mendelssohn J, Mills MSL (2021) Scopoli’s Shearwater Calonectris (d.) diomedea in Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 28: 83-84.

Vaz Pinto P, Mills MSL, et al (2021) Ansorge’s cusimanse, C. ansorgei, in Angola. African Journal of Wildlife Research 50: 206–211.

Mills MSL and Boesman P (2020) Willcocks’s Honeyguide Indicator willcocksi in Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 27: 234–236.

Mills MSL (2020) Vocal playback enhances detectability of key Angolan Escarpment forest birds. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 27: 204–9.

Mills MSL, Booysen M and Boyes RS (2020) Bird records from the little-known region of south-east Angola, 2015–18. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 27: 63–79.

Dean WJR, Melo M and Mills MSL (2019) The Avifauna of Angola. Pages in Huntley et al. Biodiversity of Angola.

Mills MSL, Boesman P and Collar NJ (2019) Species limits in the African Palm-swift Cypsiurus parvus. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139: 75–82.

Hunter N, Mills MSL and Cohen C (2019) Elgon Francolin Scleroptila elgonensis should be treated as a species distinct from Moorland Francolin S. psilolaema. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 26: 92–100.

Mills MSL (2019) The avifauna of Kumbira Forest and surrounds, western Angola. Malimbus 41: 12–31.

Baptista NL and Mills MSL (2018) Angola White-headed Barbet Lybius [leucocephalus] leucogaster rediscovered. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 25: 225–229.

Leite A, Cáceres A, Melo M, Mills MSL and Monteiro AT (2018) Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Angola: Insights from the scarp forest conservation ‘hotspot’. Land Degradation and Development 29: 4291–4300.

Svensson MS, Bersacola E, Mills MSL, Munds RA, Nijman V, Perkin A, Masters JC, Couette S, Nekaris KA and Bearder SK (2017) A giant among dwarfs: a new species of galago (Primates: Galagidae) from Angola. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163: 30–43.

Mills MSL and Cohen C (2017) Does Yellow-vented Eremomela Eremomela flavicrissalis occur sympatrically with Yellow-bellied Eremomela E. icteropygialis in Tanzania? Bulletin of the African Bird Club 24: 76–79.

Cáceres A, Melo M, Barlow J, Faustino de Lima R and Mills MSL (2017) Drivers of bird diversity in an understudied African center of endemism: The Angolan Central Escarpment Forest. Bird Conservation International 27: 256–268.

Mills MSL, Msimanga A, Reygel A and Louette M (2016) Kungwe Apalis Apalis [rufogularis] argentea: a summary. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 23: 47–56.

Mills MSL, Bennett B, Baptista N and Vaz Pinto P (2016) Red-necked Falcon Falco chicquera in Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 23: 89–90.

Cáceres A, Melo M, Barlow J and Mills MSL (2016) Radio telemetry reveals key data for the conservation of Sheppardia gabela (Rand, 1957) in the Angolan Escarpment forest. African Journal of Ecology 54: 317–327.

Mills MSL (2015) First record of Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva for Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 22:223–224.

Mills MSL and Vaz Pinto P (2015) An overlooked population of White-collared Oliveback Nesocharis ansorgei, in Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 22: 64–67.

Mills MSL and Tebb G (2015) First record of Forest Swallow Petrochelidon fuliginosa for Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 22: 221–222.

Mills MSL and Cohen C (2015) Birds of Somalia: new records, range extensions and observations from Somaliland. Scopus 34: 31–39.

Mills MSL and Cohen C (2015) Are Yellow-throated Seedeater Crithagra flavigula and White-throated Seedeater C. xanthopygia conspecific? Observations of seedeaters from Djibouti. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 22: 190–195.

Mills MSL, Cohen C, Francis J and Spottiswoode CN (2015) A survey for the Critically Endangered Liben Lark Heteromirafra archeri in Somaliland, northwestern Somalia. Ostrich 86: 291–294.

Cohen C, Mills MSL and Francis J (2015) First records for Somalia of Bonelli’s Eagle Aquila fasciata, Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus and Red-breasted Wheatear Oenanthe bottae. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 22: 225–228.

Monteiro M, Reino L, Beja P, Mills MSL, Bastos-Silveira C, Ramos M, Rodrigues D, Queirós Neves I, Consciência S and Figueira R (2014) The collection and database of Birds of Angola hosted at IICT (Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical), Lisboa, Portugal. ZooKeys 387: 89–99.

Mills MSL (2014) Observations of the rarely seen aerial display of Short-winged Cisticola Cisticola brachypterus. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 21: 200–201.

Mills MSL (2014) Dusky Twinspot Euschistospiza cinereovinacea, a new host species for indigobirds Vidua. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 21: 193–199.

Oschadleus HD, Mills MSL and Monadjem A (2014) Roadside colony densities of weavers in southern Angola. Lanioturdus 47: 17–20.

Dean WRJ, Franke U, Joseph G, Gonçalves FM, Mills MSL, Milton SJ, Monadjem A and Oschadleus D (2014) Further breeding records for birds (Aves) in Angola. Durban Natural Science Museum Novitates 36: 1–10.

Cáceres A, Melo M, Barlow J, Cardoso P, Maiato F and Mills MSL (2014) Threatened birds of the Angolan Central Escarpment: distribution and response to habitat change at Kumbira Forest. Oryx 49: 727–734.

Stavrou C and Mills MSL (2013) Observations of birds of the Soyo area, northwest Angola. Malimbus 25: 27–36.

Spottiswoode CN, Olsson U, Mills MSL, Cohen C, Francis JE, Toye N, Hoddinott D, Dagne A, Wood C, Donald PF, Collar NJ and Alström P (2013) Rediscovery of a long-lost lark reveals the conspecificity of endangered Heteromirafra populations in the Horn of Africa. Journal of Ornithology 154: 813–825.

Mills MSL (2013) Vocal mimicry by sunbirds and the first record of mimicry by Dusky Sunbird Cinnyris fuscus. Ostrich 84: 219–220.

Mills MSL (2013) Bocage’s Sunbird Nectarinia bocagii—an Angolan near-endemic. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 20:80–88.

Mills MSL, Vaz Pinto P and Palmeirim JM (2013) First records for Angola of Yellow-throated Cuckoo Chrysococcyx flavigularis, South African Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon spilodera and Red-tailed Leaflove Phyllastrephus scandens. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 20: 200–204.

Mills MSL and Rogerson M (2013) How to see Madagascar Pochard Aythya innotata, the world’s rarest duck. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 20: 210–215.

Mills MSL and Oschadleus HD (2013) Black-chinned Weaver Ploceus nigrimentus in Angola, and its nest. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 20: 60–65.

Mills MSL, Melo M and Vaz A (2013) The Namba Mountains: new hope for Afromontane forest birds in Angola. Bird Conservation International 23: 159–167.

Mills MSL and Dean WRJ (2013) The avifauna of the Lagoa Carumbo area, north-east Angola. Malimbus 35: 77–92.

Cáceres A, Santos P, Tchalo F, Mills M and Melo M (2013) Human use of natural resources and the conservation of the Afromontane forest in Mount Moco, Angola. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 15: 91–101.

Mills MSL, Vaz Pinto P and Haber S (2012) Grey-striped Francolin Pternistis griseostriatus: skins, distribution and morphometrics. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 19: 172–177.

Dean WRJ, Franke U, Joseph G, Gonçalves FM, Mills MSL, Milton S, Monadjem A and Oschadleus HD (2012) Type specimens in the bird collection at Lubango, Angola. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 132: 41–45.

Mills MSL and Vaz A (2011) The nest and eggs of Margaret’s Batis Batis margaritae. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 131: 208–210.

Mills MSL, Melo M and Vaz A (2011) Black-tailed Cisticola Cisticola melanurus in eastern Angola: behavioural notes and the first photographs and sound recordings. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 18: 193–198.

Mills MSL, Melo M, Borrow N and Vaz Pinto P (2011) The Endangered Braun’s Bushshrike Laniarius brauni: a summary. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 18: 174–181.

Mills MSL, Olmos F, Melo M and Dean WRJ (2011) Mount Moco: its importance to the conservation of Swierstra’s Francolin Pternistis swierstrai and the Afromontane avifauna of Angola. Bird Conservation International 21: 119–133.

Mills MSL (2010) A record of brood parasitism of Barratt’s Warbler Bradypterus barratti by African Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 17: 212–212.

Mills MSL (2010) Angola’s central scarp forests: patterns of bird diversity and conservation threats. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 1883–1903.

Mills MSL (2010) Display behaviour of Shelley’s Oliveback Nesocharis shelleyi. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 17:97–98.

Mills MSL (2010) Rock Firefinch Lagonosticta sanguinodorsalis and its brood parasite, Jos Plateau Indigobird Vidua maryae, in northern Cameroon. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 17: 86–89.

Mills MSL, Franke U, Joseph G, Maiato F, Milton S, Monadjem A, Oschadleus D and Dean WRJ (2010) Cataloging the Lubango Bird Skin Collection: towards an atlas of Angolan bird distributions. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 17:43–53.

Simmons RE, Mills MSL and Dean WRJ (2009) Oystercatcher (Haematopus) records from Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 16: 211–212.

Colenutt S and Mills MSL (2009) First record of Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos for Cameroon. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 16: 219–219.

Mills MSL (2009) Vocalisations of Angolan birds: new descriptions and other notes. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 16: 150–166.

Mills MSL, Vaz Pinto P and Dean WRJ (2008) The avifauna of Cangandala National Park, Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 15: 113–120.

Mills MSL (2007) Where does Weyns’s Weaver Ploceus weynsi breed? Scopus 26: 44–46.

Mills MSL and Dowd T (2007) First records of Lemon Dove Aplopelia larvata for Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 14: 77–78.

Mills MSL, Caddick J, Coetzer I, Hoff R, Myers D, Reynolds D, Walton A and Walton R (2007) First record of brood parasitism of Yellow-throated Cuckoo Chrysococcyx flavigularis. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 14: 68–69.

Mills MSL (2007) Swierstra’s Spurfowl Pternistis swierstrai: a bibliography and summary of museum skins. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 14: 175–180.

Mills MSL, Caddick J, Hoff R, Myers D and Coetzer I (2007) European Sand Martin Riparia riparia: new to São Tomé and Príncipe. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 14: 207–207.

Mills MSL and Dean WRJ (2007) Notes on Angolan birds: new country records, range extensions and taxonomic questions. Ostrich 78: 55–63.

Mills MSL and Cohen C (2007) Brazza’s Martin Phedina brazzae: new information on range and vocalisations. Ostrich 78: 51–54.

Mills MSL (2006) First record of Pink-billed Lark Spizocorys conirostris for Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 13:212–212.

Mills MSL (2006) A presumed nest of Guaiabero Bolbospittacus lunulatus, an endemic Philippine parrot. BirdingASIA 5: 75–75.

Spottiswoode C, Leonard P and Mills M (2005) Chaplin’s Barbet Lybius chaplini, Zambia’s fig-loving endemic. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 12: 50–52.

Mills MSL and Ryan PG (2005) Modeling impacts of long-line fishing: what are the effects of pair-bond disruption and sex-biased mortality on albatross fecundity? Animal Conservation 8: 359–367.

Mills M (2004) A range extension for Zenker’s Honeyguide Melignomon zenkeri from Kibale National Park, Uganda. Scopus 24: 48–49.

Mills M, Cohen C and Spottiswoode C (2004) Little-know African Birds: Gabela Akalat. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 11: 149–151.

Ryan PG, Sinclair I, Cohen C, Mills MSL, Spottiswoode CN and Cassidy R (2004) The conservation status and vocalisations of threatened birds from the scarp forests of the Western Angola Endemic Bird Area. Bird Conservation International 14: 247–260.

Mills MSL (2004) Bird community responses to savanna fires: should managers be concerned? South African Journal of Wildlife Research 34: 1–11.

Mills MSL, Boix-Hinzen C and Du Plessis MA (2004) Live or let live: life history decisions of the breeding female Monteiro’s Hornbill Tockus monteiri. Ibis 147: 48–56.

Mills M, Hoff R and Myers D (2003) First breeding record of Ovambo Sparrowhawk Accipiter ovampensis in West Africa. Malimbus 25: 104–106.

Spottiswoode C and Mills M (2000) Records from Gambela, western Ethiopia. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 7: 97–100.

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